30 Apr Slideshow YEALLOW
Find here all of our pics in this new slideshow. Live, Fan pictures, Band pictures and misc, there is everything about YEALLOW!...
Find here all of our pics in this new slideshow. Live, Fan pictures, Band pictures and misc, there is everything about YEALLOW!...
Many thanks to all of you. Here are the pics...
To celebrate the launch of their new album 2891 seconds, YEALLOW will be in concert at the Electric Showcase at FNAC Strasbourg on April 27, 2010 at 5:30 pm. [caption id="attachment_42" align="alignleft" width="560" caption="Photo : Lionel Hirlé"][/caption]...
>See all the Pics [caption id="attachment_570" align="alignleft" width="375" caption="YEALLOW | CD 2891 seconds | Available @ fnac Strasbourg "][/caption] Donwload the CD...
2891 Seconds, the new album of YEALLOW Available April 27, 2010 CD/Digital...
>See all the Pics | Rock the Place [caption id="attachment_548" align="alignleft" width="560" caption="YEALLOW Live | Festival des Artefacts - La Laiterie | Strasbourg April 2010"][/caption]...
Since july 2009, YEALLOW is recording his new album. Some pictures by Lionel Hirlé of the first recording sessions. ...