
Article complet à lire ici : Extrait : Eux aussi auront la lourde mais excitante tâche de chauffer l’ambiance avant un groupe légendaire : Yeallow, quatuor strasbourgeois au rock efficace et carré à l’ADN revendiqué briton, ouvrira le 14 novembre pour les Stranglers et pourra...

YEALLOW will be on tour in the UK from April 23rd to May 1st, 2015 Participate to this event Check this page for more details, tickets & reservations 04.23 • FIDDLER’S ELBOW | London/Camden 04.25 • O2 ACADEMY | Birmingham 04.26 • O2 ACADEMY | Newcastle 04.27 • THE THIRSTY SCHOLAR |...

After a few months spent composing and also spending the last few weeks in the studio to prepare the new album (which will be released in Spring 2015), we will meet our audience again at the end of October. The recordings went extremely well and we...